Newport Beach Property Division Lawyer

Newport Beach Property Division Lawyer

Newport Beach Property Division Attorney


In equitable distribution states such as California, assets acquired and liabilities incurred during the marriage, individually by one spouse or jointly by both, are considered marital property, subject to equitable distribution. Marital property is divided fairly and equitably, but not necessarily equally, through equitable distribution. O’Leary & Shenasan Law has the necessary knowledge and familiarity with California’s property division laws to ensure that you will obtain the fairest settlement. The attorneys at O’Leary & Shenasan Law have the necessary knowledge and familiarity with California’s property division laws to ensure that you will obtain the fairest settlement.


Before the actual distribution of the property, your lawyer will need to determine what property will be distributed and the value of said property. Equitable distribution states classify property as either “marital property,” assets acquired during the marriage and available for distribution, or “separate property,” assets acquired prior the marriage and exempt from division. Our divorce attorneys have the necessary familiarity with California’s equitable distribution laws to distinguish property as either marital property or separate property. We also have the skill to trace the commingling of separate assets with marital assets, prevent unfair distribution and ensure that no assets or debts are overlooked.

Marital property may include anything you have that could be considered an asset, such as:

  • Stocks and bonds
  • Automobiles
  • Bank accounts
  • Investment accounts
  • Marital home and vacation homes
  • Home furnishings
  • Timeshares
  • Retirement funds
  • Pensions and annuities
  • Businesses


At O’Leary & Shenasan Law, we strive to convert an otherwise stressful and contentious matter into a positive resolution. Our experience has equipped us to handle negotiation and mediation when appropriate, affording you greater control over the outcome. But even if you and your ex-spouse are unable to initially agree on an equitable marital division, we act as fair and impartial mediators to help you both move forward after the divorce.

Contact A Reliable Newport Beach Property Division Lawyer Today

Call O’Leary & Shenasan Law at (949) 825-5224 or contact us online to schedule a consultation at our Newport Beach office.

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